Saturday, 14 January 2012

The conversation continues... A Postcard from Spain

So the next country we are challenged with is Spain... A good one for me as I really love Spain and knew immediately I wanted to capture something from the Andalusia region as my parents have a house there. Some hunting in guidebooks in the library and I found a picture of the wonderful arches in the Mesquita In Cordoba and knew that was what I wanted to capture.
So I went for it... A couple of sketches in a book and then onto the postcards bravely freehand and in pen ( I must be nuts! ). Finished with watercolour pencils and inked around the edges with black ink to finish off. No in progress as I just flew through actually producing it so didn't stop for the pics.
So there you go...

Now if you like these please go and check out the other participants via darcys blog... link here.... There are so superb offerings from everyone else. Travelling around Austria last week was fab...




  1. I love nuts! :)
    And you did very well on the freehand drawing. It's good to give yourself an extra challenge! ♥

  2. That is brilliant. Having to focus on perspective like that with a building is a challenge indeed. You clearly enjoyed it too as you didn't want to stop for photos of the stages.

  3. nice perspective in this drawing I'm really enjoying everyone adventure so far...

  4. Love your arches Catherine, and the colour washes, really dreamy.

  5. Ahh your parents have a house there? Beautiful region & I LOVE the architecture & the rich history - gorgeous postcard :)

  6. fantastic perspective and shading!

  7. That was bold! :) It turned out gorgeous, though!

  8. Fabulous free hand sketch/watercolour...expressing the freedom you must feel in such a laid-back country :D XXX

  9. wow Ink from the get go - wonderful!

  10. bold to jump right in and gorgeous results. it pays to be brave. i'd love to walk through these arches. looking forward to more of the story.

  11. great freehand drawing, love that it means something to you personally too, intriguing start to your story xxx

  12. Fabulous drawing. Love this a lot. Nice work. *smiles* Norma

  13. I love your card, great sketch and the water colours are so subtle, fab! M

  14. Oh, I love your Spain card! This looks super fun- must start this! xo
