Friday, 24 February 2012

Organising my scraps

Yesterday I stumbled (via the wonder of pinterest of course) a great idea for organising scraps ... And thought as my scrap container was overflowing that this would be a good task to try and tackle.

I always end up saving everything and so this is more of an exercise in self discipline to get rid of some stuff too! So a few hours i started with this ...
And a few arm aching hours later I've got this ....
Yes I know ... A barely perceptible difference! However I also have a few stacks of mats cut for card making and some full sheets rescued for the neat stack in the cupboard and two big piles of rubbish for the recycling bin! Have a feeling there is a significant number of hours yet to be done to get to the bottom of this pile but hey ho!

For a link to what I am attempting to achieve please see this blog post... papercraftsconnection

I'm not completely following the plan as some of my scraps are a lot smaller than 6 x 6 and so also cutting some 4 x 4, or even some 3 x 3 which can be used nicely as mats etc. and then some 6 x 4 for rectangle cards.. And in some cases somewhere in between to stack mats etc.

Hopefully this makes sense... Will check back in with progress later and show you my little stacks of paper mats! But first time for a break for a cup of coffee and something to eat.

Happy crafting everyone.

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