Hello and welcome!!!
As I might be getting some more visitors (you circle group know who you are!) I thought I would bow to demand (Jayne!) and get my pics of my first SheArt girl up on here for you to see what I've done!
All in all it took about an hour this afternoon to do her and then some fiddling for the odd 10 minutes when she had dried to create her and I am soooooooo pleased with her it's unbelievable. Even now, sat on the sofa under the blanket typing this she is across the room from me and I can't stop looking at her and thinking - wow I made her!!! Eventually she will probably end up in my princess M's room when we decorate next year - I hope to make quite a few with positive girl thoughts - which hopefully will serve my princess well. Also already thinking of some friends who might appreciate a little SheArt in their lives!
SO what the hell am I blogging on about you say...
The very talented
Christy Tomlinson runs some online workshops and SheArt is one of them. So far I have gone through the first week's videos and made one piece of art as a result!
So here she is ...
She is happy to be herself
So how did I make her ... well I started with the small canvas frame (cheap from the Works) which is about 6 by 4 in size. Thought I ought to start small on such a venture!
I used some paint to cover it roughly in a pale turquoise - this was because I had paint left over from another project I had been doing and didn't want to waste it. Anyway I did this about a week ago, well before I signed up to She Art but thought it was a good starting point.
I then added some book print, some polka dot tissue paper from the present wrapping up stuff and some coloured paper I had in my scraps stash, along with some gesso. Oh and you can just about see a doily stencil underneath that I had done when messing around with the left over paint.
Then I went a bit mad and added loads of inks, paints and stamped images ... this was difficult as I really didn't know when to stop.
Then it was time for the girl. I freehand cut out her head and legs from book print following the shapes Christy uses, and then the same for her body, dress and little bloomers that actually turned into shorts on my girl as the dress was short as the canvas is only small!
I layered them up and stuck them down - this is a little before the glue dried. I must point out at this point that I am in no way using the materials that Christy recommends as I haven't left the house to get any! So it's just what I had in the cupboard so the glue was a bit weird - must buy some Mod Podge to do it better!
Then it was hair time. Christy calls the design I ended up with a messy bun. I hadn't intended to do this and was going for a flicky out short hair do but slipped with the brush and so had to go down the messy bun route - having said that I'm pleased with this. I am not in anyway trained at painting and so apart from messing around with the princess to paint this is all so new to me! But I blended the brown with some copper ink (not sure if I was meant to do this to my cheap acrylics but hey in for a penny!!!) and then added some white to make different shades of browns to give it 'texture'.
I then had to add more stamps, paint, rub ons, ink and texture to the painting to blend the girl in. This included some shading on the dress and defining her with a pen.
Finally I had to add a SheArt phrase - but by this time I was so impatient to get her finished (I was so pleased with her I had to share her immediately on fb!) that I decided against setting up the printer, getting the laptop out and printing out the ones Christy has supplied for me to use, that I hand wrote the phrase.
I think that as it's my first one and to keep her 'natural' I don't have a problem with this, it's not easy to read it from afar but i'm happy enough with this.
So there you go - my first SheArt - I suspect that there will be many more to come - some of which will be placed here for your viewing pleasure!
In other news - the head is finally clearing and hopefully will be back at work on Wednesday. I say hopefully - but of course that will mean a reduction in crafty fun - but at least I'll be back with the lovely girls in the team and will feel well again!
That's all for now!
Happy Crafting all & thanks for visiting!